Website Policy
Thank you for visiting the official government website for the City of Elizabeth City, North Carolina. We are happy to provide this service to the public and hope users will find it to be a valuable resource.
The City of Elizabeth City owns and maintains this website and uses reasonable efforts to provide current and accurate information. The City makes no warranty or representations as to the currency or accuracy of the information.
Neither the City of Elizabeth City, its website service provider, nor any of the parties involved in creating, producing or delivering this site shall be liable for any direct, incidental, consequential, indirect or punitive damages arising out of your access, use of or inability to use this site, or any errors or omissions in the content thereof.
The City of Elizabeth City is not responsible for the content, views, opinions or representations of any off-site pages referred to through links.
This website links only to websites of other governmental entities and organizations or sites approved by the City Manager.
Persons submitting email comments or questions to the City of Elizabeth City’s officials or employees, should be aware that the City cannot guarantee, nor does it represent that such communication will remain private and confidential. Similar to mailed or delivered comments, comments received via email may become subject to public disclosure under the North Carolina Public Records Act and/or as part of the discovery procedure in a civil lawsuit.
Unless a copyright is indicated, information on the City of Elizabeth City's website is in the public domain and may be reproduced or otherwise used with the City of Elizabeth City's permission. We request only that the City of Elizabeth City be cited as the source of the information and that any photo credits, graphics or byline be similarly credited to the photographer, author or City of Elizabeth City, as appropriate.