Historic Preservation Commission

The Historic Preservation Commission is a seven-member commission of citizens, appointed by the City Council, who demonstrate an interest in history, architecture, and preservation. The Commission reviews plans for work within the Downtown and West Main Street historic districts and issues Certificates of Appropriateness for plans that conform to architectural and historic guidelines as established by City Ordinance and the Secretary of Interior Standards for Preservation. By Ordinance adoption, the City Council has charged the Planning Commission with the following duties:
  • Recommend to the Planning Commission districts or areas to be designated, revoked, or removed as ‘Historic Districts’;
  • Give advice to property owners concerning the treatment of the historical and visual character of their properties located within the Districts, such as color schemes, gardens and landscape features, and minor decorative elements;
  • Propose to the City Council changes to this or any related ordinance and propose new ordinances or laws relating to the Historic Districts or relating to the total program for the development of historical resources of Elizabeth City and its environs;
  • Publish information about, or otherwise inform the owners of property with in the Districts, of any matters pertinent to its duties, organization, procedures, responsibilities, functions or requirements;
  • Determine programs of information, research, or analysis relating to any matters under its purview;
  • Report violations of this Ordinance, or related ordinances, to the local official responsible for enforcement;
  • Facilitate grant funding from the State of North Carolina and agencies or departments of the United States government for private or non-profit organizations, programming, or services;
  • Recommend to the City Council and the State of North Carolina structures, sites, objects or districts worthy of national, state, or local historic recognition;
  • Initiate and participate in negotiations with owners and other parties in an effort to find means of preserving buildings scheduled for demolition; and
  • Exercise such other powers and perform such other duties as are required elsewhere by this Ordinance, the General Statutes of North Carolina, or by the City Council.
Regular meetings of the Historic Preservation Commission are held the second Thursday of each month at 4:30 PM in the Council Chambers of the Gardner Administration Building, 306 E Colonial Avenue, downtown Elizabeth City.