Board of (Zoning) Adjustments
The Board of (Zoning) Adjustment is a ten-member quasi-judiciary board of citizens, consisting of seven regular members and three alternates. Members are appointed by the City Council, who deliberate and decide petitions for variance, special use permits, appeals and interpretations of the Zoning Administrator. These decisions involve two key elements – the findings of fact regarding the specific proposal and the exercise of judgment and discretion in applying predetermined policies to the situation. By Ordinance adoption, the City Council has charged the Board of Adjustment with the following duties:
- Decide appeals from any order, decision, requirement, or interpretation made by the Zoning Administrator;
- Hold public hearing and decide petitions for special use permits, general variances, and applications for variances from watershed district overlay;
- Decide issues involving interpretations of the zoning map, including disputed district boundary lines and lot lines;
- Advise Council on need for zoning ordinance amendments; and
- Any other matter the Board is required to act upon by any other City ordinance.
Regular meetings of the Board of Adjustment are held the third Tuesday of each month at 5:30 PM in the Council Chambers of the Gardner Administration Building, 306 E Colonial Avenue, downtown Elizabeth City.
Applications being reviewed by the Board of Adjustment must be filed with the Department of Planning & Community Development at least 25 days prior to a regularly scheduled meeting of the Commission. For more information call the Planning Department at (252)337-6672.