June 16, 2022 Incumbent and Organizational Meeting


Incumbent Council and Organizational Meeting Agendas

City of Elizabeth City Council

Thursday, June 16, 2022 ~ 7:00 p.m.

K.E White Center, 1704 Weeksville Road, Elizabeth City, NC

  1. Call Meeting to Order
  2. Invocation – Councilman Spence
  3. Presentation of Colors by Elizabeth City Fire Department Color Guard
  4. Pledge of Allegiance
  5. Approval of Agenda
  6. Comments from the Public
  7. Consideration - Acceptance of Abstract of Votes for the May 17, 2022, Municipal Election
  8. Remarks by the Retiring Mayor Bettie J. Parker and Councilors
  9. Adjournment


Oath of Office Ceremony

Formal Delegation of Officers
The Honorable Eula Reid
Superior  Court Judge


Oath of Office to Honorable Mayor-Elect – E. Kirk Rivers


Oath of Office to Councilors-Elect
Ward 1 - Johnson Biggs
Ward 1 - Joseph Peel
Ward 2 – Javis Gibbs

Ward 2 – Rose Whitehurst
Ward 3 – Katherine Felton
Ward 3 – Kem Spence

Ward 4 – Barbara Baxter

Ward 4 – Johnnie Walton


Organizational Meeting Agenda


  1. Seating of Mayor and City Councilors
  2. Call Meeting to Order
  3. Invocation – Pastor Anthony Ferebee
  4. Pledge of Allegiance
  5. Song Selection “God Bless America” Commissioner Barry Overman
  6. Presentation of Gifts to Immediate Past Members of City Council
  7. Approval of Agenda
  8. Consideration - Election of Mayor Pro Tempore
  9. Closing Prayer & Blessing of the Food – Pastor John W. Felton
  10. Adjournment