February 7, 2013 - Finance Committee
Finance Committee of the City Council
Thursday, February 7, 2013 ~ 10 a.m.
Council Chambers - 306 E. Colonial Avenue
1. Call To Order
2. Moment of Silent Reflection
3. Pledge of Allegiance
4. Agenda Adjustments and Approval
5. Consideration – Approval of Minutes
a. Finance Committee Regular Session – January 24, 2013
6. Consideration – Authorization to Enter into Supplemental Agreement with NCDOT for Sidewalk on US 17 South
7. Consideration – Award of Audit Contract
8. Consideration – Adoption of Budget Amendment for Purchase of Two Police Canines
9. Consideration – Agreement for Engineering Services for Crescent Drive Sewer Replacement
a. McGill Associates Engineering Services Agreement
10. Miscellaneous
11. Adjournment