P - City Services
Parade Permits/Fundraising Walk Permits
The City Manager issues parade permits. For more information, call 252-337-6864.
Park Maintenance
The Parks and Recreation Department is responsible for park maintenance throughout the City. For more information, call 252-335-1424.
The City of Elizabeth City maintains numerous downtown surface parking lots. One of the lots provides monthly rental spaces. For information regarding parking rentals, call the Customer Service Department at 252-338-3981.
Parking Tickets
Parking tickets are issued by the City of Elizabeth City Police Department for violating the two-hour downtown-parking limit. Parking tickets can be paid in the Customer Service Department, 306 E. Colonial Avenue. For more information, call 252-338-3981.
Parks & Recreation
The City of Elizabeth City Parks and Recreation Department operates neighborhood parks, walking trails, athletic fields, the Knobbs Creek Recreation Center, the Knobbs Creek Par 3 Golf Course, tennis courts, basketball courts and maintains the City’s cemeteries. Parks and Recreation is also responsible for the maintenance of the City’s parks. The department offers leisure activities for people of all ages from athletics and cultural arts to programs for special populations such as the Senior Citizens’ programs. For more information, call the department at 252-335-1424 or refer to “Parks and Recreation Facilities.”
Parks & Recreation Facilities
The Parks and Recreation Department maintains parks, athletic fields and neighborhood playgrounds for the enjoyment of the citizens. A complete list of facilities can be found in the Parks and Recreation section of "Departments."
For information regarding building inspections and permits, call the Inspections Department at (252) 337-6868 or visit the Department in the “Departments” section of this website.
The Elizabeth City Planning and Community Development Department administers various land development codes, enforces local land use and zoning codes and provides technical assistance to the Board of Adjustments, the Planning Commission and the Historic Preservation Commission. The department also performs annexation studies, neighborhood and corridor studies, maintains the City’s zoning maps, and processes applications for subdivision and site plan review, signs, zoning, variance and use permits. For more information, call (252) 337-6672.
The Parks and Recreation Department has playgrounds located throughout the City. For more information, call (252) 335-1424 or visit the department's section of this website.
Plumbing Inspections
For plumbing inspections information, call the Inspections Department at (252) 337-6868.
Police Department
Police protection is provided to residents 24 hours a day, seven days a week. The Elizabeth City Police Department has a community-oriented policing philosophy, which empowers neighborhoods to work with the Police Department to meet the needs of the community through crime reduction efforts and quality of life improvements in neighborhoods. The department is a full-service police agency which operates tactical response squads, including canine, special response, hostage negotiations, crime prevention services, traffic and parking enforcement, taxi inspections, accident reports, and school safety programs. For more information, call the Office of the Chief of Police at (252) 335-4321, extension 276.
Police Reports
Copies of traffic accident reports can be obtained by visiting the Records Division of the Police Department, located at 302 E. Colonial Avenue. Proper identification must be presented. For more information, call 252-335-4321.
Pool Street Park
See Parks and Recreation Facilities
To report a street area that needs repair, contact the Public Utilities Department at (252) 337-6628.
Power Outages
Power outages should be reported during normal business hours to the Elizabeth City Electric Department by calling 252-337-6870. After hours and holiday outages should be reported by calling 252-335-2196.
Persons or groups wishing to arrange for the Mayor to sign a proclamation should contact the City Clerk’s office, 306 E. Colonial Avenue. Phone 252-337-6955.
Property Clean-Up
The Code Enforcement Officer works to remove nuisances and clean property. For more information, call (252) 335-4321.
Property Taxes
Property taxes are levied on real and personal property. City residents pay both City of Elizabeth City and Pasquotank County taxes. All taxes are billed by Pasquotank County and payable at the Pasquotank County Tax Department across the street from the Courthouse, 203 E. Main Street. For more information call the Pasquotank County Tax Collection Department at 252-338-6107.
Purchasing Department
The Purchasing Department assists City operations by providing centralized procurement of materials, supplies and equipment and overseeing service agreements. The department also oversees the competitive bidding process. The department also ensures that goods and services are purchased in accordance with City policy and state law. Contact the Purchasing Department by calling 252-337-6780.