Planning Division

The Planning Division is responsible for issuing zoning, home occupation permits, sign permits, reviewing and facilitating the evaluation of site plans, subdivision plats, petitions for variances, certificates of appropriateness for historic properties, text amendments updating the Official Zoning Map, and the interpretation and enforcement of the Unified Development Ordinance. The Planning Division also coordinates the development of overlay districts and corridor plans in the six planning districts, providing recommendations to City Council and the Planning Commission concerning rezoning, subdivisions and site plan requests, as well as provides information to developers and citizens concerning the City's future growth as dictated through the Comprehensive Plan. The Division also provides professional assistance to the Planning Commission, the Board of (Zoning) Adjustments, and the Historic Preservation Commission
To apply for a permit use our online system HERE. We are no longer accepting paper copies the Business Registration Permit and Zoning Permit Applications. 
We are still working to add all of our forms to our online system. Forms that can be completed online are: 
- Zoning permits
- Business registrations
- Sign permits
- Building permits (including electrical, mechanical, gas, insulation, and plumbing) 
- Temporary power permit
- Historical district certificate of appropriateness application
If you are working to start a new business and not sure where to start, use our online questionnaire to find our what permits are needed and how to fill them out HERE.
All other permits that must be filled out by hand and are found below. 
For questions about zoning and acceptable usage use our GIS system HERE.
For questions about development standards our Unified Development Ordinance may be accessed HERE. 
For questions about a parcel of land/deed information find the Pasquotank County Tax Card website HERE. 
For current fee schedule click HERE. 
Zoning_Permit_Authorization_Sheet.pdf This form is to be filled out by the property owner/property manager of the applicants business location. This will also need to be notarized.
Home_Occupation_Permit_Authorization_Sheet.pdf This form is to be filled out by the property owner/property manager of the applicants business location. This will also need to be notarized.
Development Services Board Meetings The 2025 Board and Commission Meeting and Filing Deadlines.