December 11, 2023 Incumbent and Organizational Meeting
1. Call Meeting to Order
2. Invocation – MACU President John Maurice
3. Presentation of Colors by Elizabeth City Fire Department Color Guard
4. Pledge of Allegiance
5. Approval of Agenda
6. Comments from the Public / Comments from Mayor Rivers
7. Approval of Minutes
a. November 27, 2023 Work Session
b. November 27, 2023 Regular Session
8. Remarks by Retiring Councilor:
a. Councilwoman Barbara Baxter
9. Adjournment
Oath of Office Ceremony
Formal Delegation of Officers
The Honorable Eula Reid
Emergency Superior Court Judge
Oath of Office to Mayor-Elect – Kirk Rivers
Oath of Office to Councilors-Elect
Johnson Biggs
Joseph Peel
Javis Gibbs
Rose Whitehurst
Kem Spence
Katherine Felton
Johnnie Walton
Ronnie Morris
Organizational Meeting Agenda
1. Seating of Mayor and City Councilors
2. Call Meeting to Order
3. Invocation – MACU President John Maurice
4. Pledge of Allegiance
5. Approval of Agenda
6. Recognition of Immediate Past Councilor
a. Barbara Baxter
7. Consideration - Election of Mayor Pro Tempore
8. Consideration - Adoption of Rules of Procedure
9. Consideration - Adoption of 2024 Meetings Calendar
10. Remarks by Mayor and City Councilors
11. Recess