November 23, 2015 Work Session and Regular Session

Work Session Agenda
City of Elizabeth City Council
Monday, November 23, 2015 ~ 5:30 p.m.
City Council Chambers – 306 E. Colonial Avenue

1. Call Meeting to Order

2. Invocation

3. Pledge of Allegiance

4. Agenda Adjustments and Approval

5. Statement of Disclosure (To be read by City Clerk)

6. Presentation – City of Elizabeth City Financial Statements for Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2015 – Jeff Best, Carr, Riggs and Ingram

7. Report/Discussion – Budget Adjustments in Connection with LGC Application for Financing Approval

8. Discussion/Consideration – New City Entrance Signs Design

9. Report/Discussion – Downtown Maintenance Code and Nuisance Motor Vehicles

10. Committee Reports:

     a) EC-PC Economic Development Commission: Mayor Pro Tem Hummer, Councilwoman Baker, Councilman Donnelly and Mayor Peel

     b) Central Communications Advisory Board: Councilman Spence

     c) Fireman’s Relief Fund Board: Councilman Brooks

     d) NC Eastern Municipal Power Agency: City Manager Olson and Mayor Peel

     e) Elizabeth City Downtown, Inc.: Councilman Donnelly

     f) Elizabeth City Area Chamber of Commerce Board: Mayor Peel

     g) Finance Committee: Mayor Pro Tem Hummer, Councilman Donnelly, Councilman Horton and Mayor Peel

     h) Parks and Recreation Advisory Board: Councilman Horton

     i) Elizabeth City/Pasquotank County Airport Authority: Councilman Stimatz

     j) Storm Water Advisory Board: Councilman Stimatz, Councilman Donnelly and Councilman Brooks
     k) Tourism Development Authority: Councilwoman Baker

11. Adjournment

Regular Session Agenda
City of Elizabeth City Council
Monday, November 23, 2015 ~ 7:00 p.m.
City Council Chambers – 306 E. Colonial Avenue

1. Call Meeting to Order

2. Invocation

3. Pledge of Allegiance

4. Agenda Adjustments and Approval

5. Statement of Disclosure (To be read by City Clerk)

6. Proclamation: Small Business Saturday in Elizabeth City – November 28, 2015

7. Comments from the Public:

8. Consent Agenda: (City Manager Recommends Approval of all Items)

     a. Consideration – Approval of Change in By-Laws for EC-PC Community Relations Commission to redefine meeting quorum requirements and direction for staff to perform review of existing by-laws for adoption by the City Council;

     b. Consideration – Acceptance of Certificate of Sufficiency for a Petition for Voluntary Annexation for property located off Halstead Boulevard, Millbrooke Circle and Body Road; and forwarding the matter to the first regularly scheduled meeting of the Council in January 2016 to adopt a resolution calling for public hearing on the matter;

     c. Consideration – Vacation of City of Elizabeth City’s rights and interest that it may have in the greenway easement on Tax Map P89-55-1;

     d. Consideration – Adoption of Various Budget Amendments for accounting purposes as presented;

     e. Consideration – Approval of a Downtown Improvement Grant application submitted by Zack Robertson for The Arcade building in the amount of $4,888.50;

     f. Consideration – Approval of Elizabeth City Housing Authority’s request for a five-year PILOT waiver beginning with fiscal year 2015-2016 with the requirement that the Authority provide an annual accounting to the City Council regarding how the funds are used;

     g. Consideration – Rescind the authorization to execute the Agreement for Contractor’s Services with Skinner’s Home Energy Conservation Service; and Authorize Mayor Joseph W. Peel to execute an Agreement for Contractor Services with Martin Community Action, Inc. to provide weatherization services for the City.

9. Public Hearing: (To begin at 7:30 p.m.)

     a. Consideration – Hold a public hearing to receive comment regarding amendment of the City of Elizabeth City Fee Schedule to include Special Interest Restoration Vehicle Permit Fee in the amount of $25.00.

10. Regular Agenda:

     a. Consideration – Appoint Mr. Andrew David Bates to serve a three-year term on the Elizabeth City Historic Preservation Commission to begin January 1, 2016 and expiring December 31, 2018 (Requires motion and roll call vote)

     b. Consideration – Re-Appointment of Ms. Linda Pritchard for a term to expire October 28, 2017 on the Joint Animal Control Board (Requires motion and roll call vote)

     c. Consideration – Re-Appointment of Ms. Deborah J. Malenfant for a term to expire December 31, 2017 on the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board (Requires motion and roll call vote)

     d. Consideration – Adoption Resolution Adopting a Comprehensive Transportation Plan for Pasquotank, North Carolina.

     e. Consideration – Repeal of City Code Section 66-13 regarding Political Campaign Signs.

     f. Consideration – Proposed Lease of Walnut Street Park Property.

     g. Consideration – Discontinuation of Finance Committee.

     h. Consideration – Additional Community Support Grant Award to Pasquotank County Library

     i. Consideration – Award of Demolition/Asbestos Abatement Bids for 215 N. McMorrine Street Property.

11. Comments and Inquiries on Non-Agenda Items:

12. Closed Session – As Allowed By NCGS 143-381.11(a)(3) Consultation with City Attorney regarding the Pasquotank County Water Dispute Lawsuit

13. Adjournment.