July 13, 2015 Regular Session

Regular Session Agenda
City of Elizabeth City Council
Monday, July 13, 2015 ~ 7:00 p.m.
City Council Chambers – 306 E. Colonial Avenue

1. Call Meeting to Order

2. Invocation

3. Pledge of Allegiance

4. Agenda Adjustments and Approval

5. Statement of Disclosure (To be read by City Clerk)

6. Proclamations:

     a. Honoring Linwood Williams on the Occasion of His Retirement as Superintendent of ECPPS

     b. Designating July as Park and Recreation Month

7. Comments from the Public

8. Approval of Minutes:

     a. City Council Regular Session of June 22, 2015

9. Consent Agenda: (City Manager Recommends Approval of all Items)

Note: Items “a” through “e” recommended for approval by the Finance Committee during their meeting of July 8, 2015:

     a. Consideration – Authorization to Submit a “Play Together Construction Grant for Accessible Playgrounds” application on behalf of Pasquotank County;

     b. Consideration – Adoption of Resolution Declaring City-owned Property located at 809 Shannon Street surplus and authorizing the upset bid process upon receipt of a minimum offer of $2,500;

     c. Consideration – Adoption of Budget Amendment required for accounting purposes to record DENR Grant received for recycling carts;

     d. Consideration – Call for Public Hearing at 7:30 p.m. on August 10, 2015 in Council Chambers to gather citizen input regarding adoption of a proposed Business Registration Ordinance;

     e. Consideration – Authorization to continue Municipal Agreement with NCDOT for the 2016 inspection of two City bridges;

     f. Consideration – Call for Public Hearing to be held at 7:30 p.m. on August 10, 2015 in Council Chambers to gather citizen input on repealing Article IV of Chapter 14 of the City’s Code of Ordinances (License Taxes and Privilege Licenses) in its entirety;

     g. Consideration – Call for Public Hearing to be held at 7:30 p.m. on August 10, 2015 in Council Chambers to gather citizen input on repealing Article VII of Chapter 14 of the City’s Code of Ordinances (Closing Out Sales) in its entirety;

     h. Consideration – Authorization for Live Fire Training at 1308 Southern Avenue.

10. Public Hearing: To Begin at 7:30 p.m.

     a. Consideration – Hold a Public Hearing to gather citizen input on the adoption of UDO Text Amendment TA-01-15 filed by the Elizabeth City Police Department to amend the UDO specific to Article XI, Section 11-4.56 Pawnshops. (staff analysis for Planning Commission.)

11. Regular Agenda:

     a. Consideration – Appointments to Various Boards and Commissions: (All require motion and roll call vote)

          i. Reappointment of Mr. Gordon T. Adams, Sr. to serve a three-year term on the Elizabeth City Historic Preservation Commission to expire September 30, 2018.

          ii. Appointment of Mr. Christopher Pittarelli to serve a three-year term on the Urban Forestry Commission beginning immediately and expiring July 1, 2018.

          iii. Appointment of Mr. William Hiemer to serve a two year term beginning August 1, 2015 representing the Second Ward on the Storm Water Advisory Board.

     b. Consideration – Call for a public hearing on August 10, 2015 at 7:30 p.m. in City Council Chambers to gather public comment concerning the adoption of the proposed City Ordinance revision to Chapter 6, Animals; Article I, In General.

12. Comments and Inquiries on Non-Agenda Items:

13. Adjournment.