November 9, 2015 Regular Session
Regular Session Agenda
City of Elizabeth City Council
Monday, November 9, 2015 ~ 7:00 p.m.
City Council Chambers – 306 E. Colonial Avenue
1. Call Meeting to Order
2. Invocation
3. Pledge of Allegiance
4. Agenda Adjustments and Approval
5. Statement of Disclosure (To be read by City Clerk)
6. Presentations/Proclamations:
a. Mayoral Certificates of Recognition to Housing Authority Commissioners Geraldine Reid and James Turner
b. Proclamation – Elizabeth City Morning Rotary Club
c. Proclamation – Veterans Day 2015
7. Comments from the Public:
8. Approval of Minutes:
a. City Council Work Session of October 26, 2015
b. City Council Regular Session of October 26, 2015
9. Consent Agenda: (City Manager Recommends Approval of all Items)
a. Consideration – Change in Location for December 14, 2015 City Council Incumbent and Organizational Meetings to Museum of the Albemarle, 501 S. Water Street, and direct staff to advertise meetings as required;
b. Consideration – Adoption of Resolution Directing the City Clerk to Investigate the Sufficiency of a Petition for Voluntary Annexation of 34.44 acres, more or less, received from Jacque S. Pagels, Executor for property located off Halstead Boulevard, Millbrooke Circle and Body Road.
10. Public Hearing: (To begin at 7:30 p.m.)
a. Consideration – Hold a public hearing to receive comment regarding the proposed closure of an alley located between Ashe Street and Hughes Boulevard; and adoption of Resolution Ordering the Closing of said alley.
11. Regular Agenda:
a. Consideration – Appointment of Nancy Lamb to serve as the SPCA’s representative on the Joint Animal Control Board (Requires roll call vote)
b. Consideration – Appointment of Deborah Regal to complete the unexpired term of Peggy Watts to June 25, 2016 on the Joint Animal Control Board (Requires roll call vote)
c. Consideration – Amendment to Rule 21 of the Council Rules of Procedure (Requires affirmative vote equal or greater than two-thirds)
d. Consideration – Adoption of Ordinance to amend Sections 42-45, 42-46, 42-50 and 42-59 and create 42-62 of the City Code relating to Abandoned, Nuisance and Junked Motor Vehicles.
12. Comments and Inquiries on Non-Agenda Items:
13. Adjournment.