September 16, 2015 Finance Committee

Finance Committee of the City Council
Wednesday, September 16, 2015 ~ 1 p.m.
Council Chambers - 306 E. Colonial Avenue

1. Call Meeting To Order

2. Invocation

3. Pledge of Allegiance

4. Agenda Adjustments and Approval

5. Presentations – Applicants for Community Support Grants:

a. Elizabeth City/S.O.U.L.S - Angela Cole
b. Education Foundation - Molly Brite
c. Arts of the Albemarle - Katie Murray
    1.  ECPPS Art Teacher Continuing Education
    2.  Jazz Music Series
d. Home Team Foundation - Alvin Parker
    1.  Football Camp
    2.  Spring Break Camp
e. Port Discover - Robin Kelly-Goss
f. River City CDC - Christina Molloy
    1.  Juneteenth
    2.  WorkCamp
g. Visions Of Hope - Helen Williams
h. NC Blazers - Antonio Moore
i. Food Bank of the Albemarle - Steve Murray
j. Pasquotank Co. Library - Jackie King
k. YMCA of the Albemarle - Dean Mattix
l. Kids First, Inc. - Rhonda Morris

6. Miscellaneous

7. Adjournment