March 23, 2015 - Work & Regular Session

Work Session Agenda
City of Elizabeth City Council
Monday, March 23, 2015 ~ 5:30 p.m.
City Council Chambers – 306 E. Colonial Avenue

1. Call Meeting to Order

2. Invocation

3. Pledge of Allegiance

4. Agenda Adjustments and Approval

5. Statement of Disclosure (To be read by City Clerk)

6. Dedication Ceremony – Roanoke Avenue Drainage Project, 910 S. Martin Luther King, Jr., Drive (The Council will depart City Hall by van and travel to the site for the ceremony; and afterwards will return to City Hall to conclude the Work Session.)

7. Committee Reports:

     a) EC-PC Economic Development Commission: Mayor Pro Tem Hummer, Councilwoman Baker, Councilman Donnelly and Mayor Peel

     b) Central Communications Advisory Board: Councilman Spence

     c) Fireman’s Relief Fund Board: Councilman Brooks

     d) NC Eastern Municipal Power Agency: City Manager Olson and Mayor Peel

     e) Elizabeth City Downtown, Inc.: Councilman Donnelly

     f) Elizabeth City Area Chamber of Commerce Board: Mayor Peel

     g) Finance Committee: Mayor Pro Tem Hummer, Councilman Donnelly, Councilman Horton and Mayor Peel

     h) Parks and Recreation Advisory Board: Councilman Horton

     i) Elizabeth City/Pasquotank County Airport Authority: Councilman Stimatz

     j) Storm Water Advisory Board: Councilman Stimatz, Councilman Donnelly and Councilman Brooks

     k) Tourism Development Authority: Councilwoman Baker

8. Adjournment

Regular Session Agenda
City of Elizabeth City Council
Monday, March 23, 2015 ~ 7:00 p.m.
City Council Chambers – 306 E. Colonial Avenue

1. Call Meeting to Order

2. Invocation

3. Pledge of Allegiance

4. Agenda Adjustments and Approval

5. Statement of Disclosure (To be read by City Clerk)

6. Presentation – Arbor Day Foundation Tree City Awards

7. Comments from the Public

8. Approval of Minutes:

     a. City Council Regular Session of March 9, 2015

     b. City Council Special Meeting of March 16, 2015

9. Consent Agenda: (City Manager Recommends Approval of all Items)

     a. Consideration – Adoption of Budget Amendments needed for accounting purposes as presented;

     b. Consideration – Authorization for the Elizabeth City Fire Department to submit various grant applications as described;

     c. Consideration – Adoption of Budget Amendment for Airport Authority Grant Local Match in the amount of $410,500 from the Aviation Park Account Fund Balance;

     d. Consideration – Authorization to Submit Application to the Tourism Development Authority in the amount of $5,000 to underwrite the costs of the Coast Guard City naming expenses.

10. Public Hearings: (to begin at 7:30 p.m.)

     a. Public Hearing to gather citizen input on the adoption of a resolution relating to the proposed CDBG infrastructure grant application for the raw water transmission line.

     b. Public Hearing to gather citizen input on the adoption of a resolution relating to the proposed CDBG infrastructure grant application for the Herrington Road Sewer Project.

     c. Public Hearing to gather public input regarding the adoption of a resolution naming the Boatworks Property “Coast Guard Park."

11. Regular Agenda:

     a. Consideration – Appointment to the Senior Citizens Advisory Committee (by motion and roll call vote) as follows:
          1. Appoint Mr. Donald Carter to complete the unexpired term of Mr. Joseph Stuter to expire June 30, 2018.

     b. Consideration – Recommendation for Parking on One Side of the Street in Hugh Cale Area of the City.

     c. Consideration – Adoption of Budget Amendment for Special Election Expenses.

     d. Consideration – River City CDC Summer Youth Camp Funding.

12. Comments and Inquiries on Non-Agenda Items:

13. Adjournment