June 8, 2015 - Regular Session

Regular Session Agenda
City of Elizabeth City Council
Monday, June 8, 2015 ~ 7:00 p.m.
City Council Chambers – 306 E. Colonial Avenue

1. Call Meeting to Order

2. Invocation

3. Pledge of Allegiance

4. Agenda Adjustments and Approval

5. Statement of Disclosure (To be read by City Clerk)

6. Comments from the Public

7. Approval of Minutes:

     a. City Council Special Meeting of April 20, 2015
     b. City Council Work Session of May 26, 2015
     c. City Council Regular Session of May 26, 2015

8. Consent Agenda: (City Manager Recommends Approval of all Items)

Note: All Items recommended for approval by the Finance Committee during their meeting of June 4, 2015:

     a. Consideration – Authorization for the Elizabeth City Police Department to submit a grant application for the FY 2015 COPS Grant Hiring Program;
     b. Consideration – Adoption of Various Budget Amendments as Required for Accounting Purposes;
     c. Consideration – Authorization for City Manager to execute Grant Contract No. 6469 with NCDENR on behalf of the City;
     d. Consideration - Accept the offer of $10,000 made by Morgans Corner Solar Energy, LLC for the property identified as PIN: 7977499329 and Map P112-107 with a physical address of 00000 Mill Pond Road and direct that the City Attorney prepare the required documents to effect the sale;
     e. Consideration - Approve the Community Support Grant application for Home Team Foundation, Inc. in the amount of $2,300; and the Community Support Grant application to the AAU 15 and Under and AAU 17 and Under Basketball Teams totaling $2,800 utilizing $1,850 in remaining Community Support Grant funds and $3,250 in City Council travel monies by adoption of budget amendment.
     f. Consideration - Approve the transfer of travel money from Councilwoman Jean Baker as follows: $323.64 to Mayor Joe Peel and $62.76 to Councilman Tony Stimatz.

9. Public Hearings: To Begin at 7:30 p.m.

     a. Consideration – Hold a Public Hearing to Receive Comment on RZ-01-15 filed by Northeastern Professional Associates, Inc. to rezone approximately 5.5 acres of a 13.52 acre tract from R-15 to GB at
1149 N. Road Street.
     b. Consideration – Hold a Public Hearing to receive comment on the Fiscal Year 2015-2016 Budget Ordinance.

10. Regular Agenda:

     a. Consideration – Declaration of Seat Vacant on Board of Zoning Adjustments and Appointment to Board of Zoning Adjustments by Roll Call Vote.

     b. Consideration – Award of Community Support Grant Application to River City CDC and Adoption of Related Budget Amendment.

     c. Consideration – Community Relations Commission Funding Request

11. Comments and Inquiries on Non-Agenda Items:

12. Adjournment