Contact Us

City of Elizabeth City
Frequently Dialed Telephone Numbers

All Medical, Fire and Police Emergencies - 911
Crime Line - 335-5555

Prefix for all numbers provided below: 252

Mayor - 337-6955
City Manager  -  337-6864
City Clerk  -   337-6955
Building Inspections  -   337-6672
Electric Superintendent  -  337-6870
      (Includes reporting streetlight outages)
Energy Audits/Weatherization  -  338-5115
Elizabeth City Downtown, Inc.  - 338-4104
Finance Director  -  337-6861
Human Resources Director  -  335-2199
Planning and Community Development Department -  337-6672
Public Works Facility on Pritchard Street  -  337-6628
Fire Chief/Fire Inspections/Public Education  -  338-3913
Knobbs Creek Recreation Center   - 335-1424
Senior Center  -  335-4323
South Park Sports Complex  -  335-2897
Golf Shop at Knobbs Creek  -  337-6618
Code Enforcement  -  337-6672
Police Department  -  335-4321
Police Investigations Unit  -  621-7122
Risk Management  -  335-2699
Central Warehouse  -  337-6780


Customer Service - City Hall  -  338-3981
     (includes billing questions, applications for service, etc.)
Nights, Weekends & Holidays 335-2196
     (after-hours electric, water & sewer problems)
Water Plant Wilson St.  -  335-2196
Waste Treatment Plant  -  337-6626
Wellfield Facility  -  337-6625
City Garage Pritchard St.  -  337-6628
Trash & Garbage Collection  -  337-6628
Adopt-a-Street  -  337-6628
Report Pot holes/street problems   -  337-6628
Water/ Sewer/ Drainage problems  -  337-6628